Conveyor chains

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Conveyor chains

Conveyor chains are manufactured according to DIN 8165, ČSN 26 0401, DIN 8167 and DIN 8168. Conveyor chains according to DIN 8165, ČSN 26 0401 and DIN 8167 are constructed either as bush chains or with different types of rollers (small roller, plain roller or flanged roller). These chains can also be delivered with various types of attachments – either riveted or welded to the chain.

Conveyor roller chains are produced according to the internal documentation. Chains could have toothed attachment plates, extended pins or U-attachments with vulcanised rubber profiles. The non standard attachment shapes are available on request. These chains are predominantly destined for different kinds of conveyors and conveyor lines.

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In the catalogue you will find Roller chains, Conveyor chains, Bush chains, Gall's chains, Leaf chains, Agricultural chains and other chains.

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